What are /r/CompetitiveApex's favorite Products & Services? (2024)




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35 points


25th Oct 2021

So the maps POIs look pretty huge and varied in terrain with lots of trees and cover, the dev who worked Worlds edge has worked on this and says it 15% bigger than we so the biggest map in apex .

Removal of jump towers will reduce the third parties .

The mini pve zones will provide for loot of the current loadout , some evo dmg , some crafting material so doing them can be good like the trials

I absolutely love the colors and the different variety of POIS each one looks unique ,the new buildings , trees look pretty solid

Also really excited for ash it seems like portal can travel to high points as well +she looks badass .

Really f*cking hyped for the next season hope the servers stay strong and the patch notes are good ! Looking forward to it great job Respawn Map looks beautiful and unique and def can be a viable alternative that worlds edge needs !




25 points


25th Jun 2021

> Respawn has said that a very small percentage of the player base actually plays ranked.

This is demonstrably false.

From the season 9 ranked dev blog:

> We’re seeing a healthy trend of players achieving higher ranks and pushing personal bests. This influx of players at the high end has improved match quality and quantity by giving us a larger pool of players to fill matches with. As a result we saw fewer matches that needed to pull players from different ranks to fill lobbies. In fact, Season 8 has been our most successful ranked season yet, with some days nearing 50% of all matches being played in ranked, depending on time of day and region. Not only that, but we saw a huge upturn in players returning in the second split to continue their ranked journey!

Sure, it's pretty clear they don't prioritize changes for ranked. But it's not because no one plays it.

> Of that group, around 2% are Diamond and above.

The blog says it's more like 6%.


19 points


17th Aug 2020

Patch notes for ranked are out:


Apart from cosmetic name changes and stats it's pretty much same thing. Copy/paste.

Believing they talked a lot about ranked they opted not to do anything.

PS: no word about cheaters in master/predator ranked, only banned by content creators request.


16 points


14th Oct 2021

I believe this link should take you to the start timeshttps://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/events?setLocale=en-us#apac-north

This is for APAC North, but you can click on the other regions as well.


9 points


21st Nov 2021

ALGS is the biggest tournament. ALGS Year 2 started recently and they have a league format going on. The official stream is on www.twitch.tv/playapex but a lot of competitors stream their POV. I recommend checking out www.teamstream.gg to see everyone’s stream and easily switch between them (including the main broadcast)

The first in-person LAN since Covid hit will be on January so keep your eye out. Here’s the schedule


9 points


17th Aug 2020

Notes from the crafting docs that will seemingly have an affect (https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/season-6-crafting)

Loot that is on rotation in the Crafting system will not spawn on the ground, meaning if the R301 and Anvil Receiver are on rotation and you want that firepower - finding a Replicator is a surefire way to get it, provided you have the Materials to pay for it. This loot is called out in several places so you’ll always be able to have this information at hand.

There is lag compensation. Other comp games prioritize and give advantage to the people with the best connection. Respawn instead evens it out so that people are not disadvantaged. They explain it here.



8 points


30th Aug 2021

&quot;<em>...Starting at Platinum, you won't be able to queue for Ranked Arenas with party members more than 1 tier away. This means that Platinum players can queue with Gold but not with Silver party members....</em>&quot;

^ ...LOL but if platinum & higher players don't queue with a full party, matchmaking gives them bronze & silver random teammates (or even teammates still in placement matches) who die fast & first every round - setting the entire team up to fail & get de-ranked from AP loss.
This system seems like it was a rushed afterthought.


8 points


6th Jan 2021

I ctrl f'd in the rule book and the only mentions of coaching are in the sections about coaching being banned mid-match so I'm not really sure on the legality of it.

Regardless, it looks like it doesn't matter since both hodsic and crusader are clarifying that Casper's team will not be a 2nd comp roster for Liquid so hodsic probably wont coach Casper's team


7 points


25th Oct 2021

It's been discussed so much that Respawn but out an entire blog post on it. Ultimately, there isn't much a fanbase can do.



5 points


22nd Jun 2021


4 points


22nd Jun 2021


3 points


11th Oct 2021

Official rules https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/overview/rules

"Split 1 of each regional Pro League Regular Season (“Regular Season”) consists of forty (40)
● Twenty (20) invited Teams; and
● Twenty (20) Teams who qualify through the Preseason Qualifiers"

section 3.3.2 talks about pro league format

section 3.6 covers playoffs qualifications

Appendix C on page 25 covers the finer details of scoring.

Tons of info on here.


3 points


12th Aug 2021

Here's a link to the official explanation for how Ranked Arenas Points are supposed to work:
...but it's clearly borked.
I was playing alongside a buddy who is 2 whole tiers higher than me, and he was getting more AP for our wins than I got. That makes no sense.
I even won a ranked arenas game 2v3 when matchmaking failed to give me a 3rd teammate (and nobody on either team went AFK or disconnected), and I still only got +20 AP from that.

I was usually getting +13 AP for wins & -13 AP for losses.
Now I've started getting +12 AP for wins & -18 AP for losses.
Each tier requires 1,600 AP to rank up.
At +13 AP per win, it would literally take 124 wins with zero losses just to rank up one tier.
When factoring in -13 AP or worse for some losses, it would take an eternity.
At this rate, it's mathematically impossible to progress within a 90-day season, except maybe for a few elite slayers who play 14+ hours-a-day 7-days-a-week.

I really hope they re-work the ranked arenas points system very soon.
Has anybody seen any official sources saying Ranked Arenas Points will be rebalanced?
If so, would you please share a link to that quote/announcement? Thanks.


3 points


10th Jul 2021

Their credits page which gets updated fairly often and would provide a better picture. They have around 450 people currently working on Apex but all of them may not be full-time.


3 points


5th Jun 2021

The overall money total has been increased since this post on their website (from $1 million to over $2.5 million), but you can see how the $1,000,000 would have been divided up here :)


2 points


1st Nov 2021

It's total match score earned across all games first, then number of first place finishes out of the 6 weeks.
See C6.2 in the Official Rules


2 points


17th Jul 2021

The thing about bandwidth vs framerate is from this Apex dev post:

>The above example shows how comparing tickrate between games is complicated, because the information contained in each tick varies. There’s another complication as well, which is that the limits on inputs that servers can receive and send out aren’t always the same even if they have the same tickrate. To be specific: in many games, if a server runs at 60Hz, it means the client can only send 60Hz inputs. If you run at 60fps it’s fine, but if your client runs at 120fps, you would lose half of your inputs. This is not the case in Apex Legends. We process variable rate of inputs fine. (As a side note, the higher your FPS is in Apex, the higher your bandwidth usage is as a result.)


I actually do leave OBS open (not streaming or recording) so I can know when to alt-tab back into the game. The in-game FPS counter has been pretty steady though. The Ryzen card is supposed to be pretty good at multi-tasking.

>But likely what you're experiencing now in terms of sharpness andbeaming with the r99 is V-Sync's no-tearing function; combined withG-Sync you get the benefits of V-Sync without the input lag it wouldnormally give. So basically your image on screen is completely stable.Just make sure to keep your fps cap to 140 and you'll be good.

Yeah I don't understand how there would be screen tearing when beaming with the R99 but it just looks better.. the proof is right there in front of me


2 points


7th Jun 2020

Well, ain't that embarrasing. You're right, it was never talked about in that announcement. It was posted on the announcement page. This page was published a few hours after the dev stream though. Or if you followed esports news you'd find a breakdown of the announcement here. - Posted a day later.

I mean, it was a really short time period to give a heads-up on the non-permanent dive trails. And I feel like rewards as they are now are not worth grinding out if all you are gonna reach is Diamond. They need to make Master/Pred its own lobby. And Diamond/Plat combined. Gold/Silver, then Bronze by itself.

I also think to alleviate long queue times you should be allowed to queue for Ranked games while playing Pubs. Or the ranked games open on set timers so every 5 minutes you'll have a new ranked match start.


1 point


23rd May 2022

In game audio settings aren't gonna change much. If you want marginal returns, you're going to have to spend $100s if not $1000s of dollars on proper DACs and IEMs. What I mean by to say by that is that improving audio for very marginal returns not worth it.

If you want good IEMs for Apex, go with the OH10s.

If you want a good, relatively cheap DAC for gaming, go with the Schiit Fulla 3.


1 point


21st Jan 2022

There's a post announcing it posted less than a day ago on this subreddit, and the answer was already linked in this thread, but here you go



1 point


16th Dec 2021

Split 1 playoffs start Jan 15th with Sputh America and end Jan 23rd with NA. I usually look at EAs officially website to look at dates.

https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete[ea ALGS](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete)


1 point


2nd Nov 2021

Why don't people check the most authoritative source which is the AGLS rules document? It's not even that long or complicated. These rules are listed in Sec 6.2: (https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/overview/rules)

  1. Total match score
  2. Total series wins
  3. Total match wins
  4. Highest single series round score (points earned in one 6-game series, I assume)
  5. Highest single match score


1 point


30th Aug 2021

I've seen rumors & speculation about how it supposedly works, but it all contradicts my own direct personal experience.

Different people are having different experiences, causing us all to draw different conclusions.

The official explanation is vague.


1 point


12th Mar 2021

The official EA blog posts never distinguish between preds and masters and keeps them in the same distribution group. Where are you getting your data from?

The S7 distribution can be found here. As you can see S7 pred + master was 0.20% while S6 pred + master was 0.12%. Maybe you confused these 2 numbers?


1 point


17th Jan 2021

The prizepool currently seen is based on what was initially announced for the Championship back in the 2020 plans.


It could be that the split changes, but I've left it up with the information as can be found right now.

The allocated slots per region is official, as this was announced earlier.


1 point


17th Jan 2021

The prizepool currently seen is based on what was initially announced for the Championship back in the 2020 plans.


It could be that the split changes, but I've left it up with the information as can be found right now.


1 point


25th Apr 2021

Writing software is easily on both sides of the coin, depending on who's paying and being knowledgeable or deploying certain legally grey active countermeasures. The risk + time vs. reward doesn't seem worth it. Must have some sort of vindication for someone specifically; there's no profit or information or really anything worthwhile out of that.


1 point


20th Dec 2020

after reading sections 4.5 and A3 of https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/overview/rules I'm still not sure if what they did was "allowed" but it sure as hell was the only real chance for either team of winning the tourney.


1 point


15th Dec 2020

Actually there suppose to be 4 tiers of apex competition starting with ALGS online, ALGS challenger, ALGS premier and ALGS Major but due to COVID the whole comp structure was changed and now we have 5 qualifier for 1 playoff which occurs every 4 months 3 times a year. You can check it from here https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/overview/competition-tiers.

Talking about orgs , YES THERE ARE PLENTY OF ORGS IN APEX but not much from NA.



EU AND MEA also has there fair share of Orgs.




1 point


9th Dec 2020

Hope using the ALG flair was appropriate here ~Saw this info in the announcement and thought others here may be interested after I saw a lot of talk about the broadcast needing a feature like this (?)

Anyway link is here



1 point


10th Nov 2020


He is getting the $20 from the guidelines. However, that money is supposed to be used to offset cost of organizing a tournament. “Other cuts,” sounds suspiciously like profiting off running the tournaments which I would agree opens them up to breaking the guidelines.


1 point


26th Oct 2020

I'm not a 100% sure if it's working correctly but they actually said they fixed it: "Next, before Season 4, when a player finished using a healing item (e.g. syringes/shield cell etc) they would clear any assist credit. This was unintended and has been fixed."


1 point


19th Aug 2020

This is the last time I read about audio in a patch note, surely they are aware of the problem but I think they gave up, maybe it is too difficult or impossible to solve at the moment as it is rumored to be a game engine issue.


1 point


14th Jun 2020

>even if that were true (it isnt)

I doubt Respawn will release the player numbers, but it's not hard to infer from the Series 3 ranked distribution stats that people are playing much less ranked than before. 17.54% of the people who played more than 5 hours of ranked ended in Bronze vs 3.9% in the series before. Literally anyone can get out of Bronze, given they put in enough time.


The current system used to work back when more people were playing ranked, but since less people are playing, now the matchmaking has put a greater spread of ranks in the same match. I didn't see any Predators in my Plat 2 games back in Series 1, and this season I started seeing them in Plat 4. Hell, I've been put on the same team as a G4 and B1 this season as a D4.


>The current system is only defensible to morons.

Agree 100%. If Respawn refuses to make massive changes, then they are just digging their own grave for this game.


1 point


24th Apr 2020

seems pretty legit, apparently was posted on EAs website and quickly taken down

link on ea's site leads to a 404 error

side note: this sh*t was posted on the main sub 30 minutes ago and currently has THREE upvotes


1 point


21st Mar 2020

According to the disgustingly large rules doc (section I5.3. Broadcast Finals)

> The Finals for North America and Europe will be featured on broadcasts operated by EA. All Competitors on a Team must be in the in-Game Match lobby by 5:40 PM GMT (Europe) or 5:40 PM PT (North America) on March 23, 2020 to confirm their attendance. The first Match in these Finals will start at 6:00 PM GMT (Europe) and 6:00 PM PT (North America).

This will most likely be hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/playapex if you want to follow it.


1 point


1st Mar 2020

>We complain about tournament and coverage, why dont we make and cover the tournament.

Because "we" are not allowed to?

  1. https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/community-tournament-guidelines - Nobody serious is going to run tournaments under these guidelines. I know there were big third parties interested, seems like they all couldn't work something out with EA.
  2. No customs, even if you adhere the rules in 1).


1 point


3rd Feb 2020


Map changes. Very important aspect of the season. TSM's Fuel Depot is now a massive POI.

New POI north of Epicenter with weapon racks (guaranteed guns).

Capitol City is split in half.


1 point


7th Nov 2021

I don't actually know the other guys website. Here's my app though if you're interested in interactive map -> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apex.legendscompanion

I'll be hiring a web dev to make it better, but yeah. I'm adding Storm Point rn in it.


1 point


14th Nov 2019

Yes and no.

First of all, at the events they used special builds of the game for the lan environment, not some implemented custom game system.

The reason for custom games not existing is customs just being a low-prioity overall, in the end probably for multiple reasons. (Financial, Missing 'broader competitive-interest' in the respawn team, ...)

Also Respawn doesn't need to hide a feature like that from the players to control their competitive/esports scene, the game is their intellectual property and they already control that with one of the stricter tournament guidelines out there, you can read them here: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/community-tournament-guidelines


1 point


21st Sep 2019

From original post on r/apexlegends :

I made a little spreadsheet for Ranked Season 2, according to this post: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/ranked-league-series-2

Let me know if you find errors or have suggestions :)


1 point


12th Sep 2019

Details here: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/preseason-invitational-2019. Basically everywhere, Twitch, YT, FB, Mixer... It's Polish time so if you're in America, it's gonna be in the morning.


1 point


19th Nov 2019

Your GPU is most likely bottlenecking. It happens when you pair a fast processor with a slower graphics cards, and Im assuming yours is pretty slow and old (Ive no experience with AMD whatso ever though). Wich means that your processor is processing data too fast and that your GPU is too slow to process the data back wich leads to unstable fps/fps drops.

So logically thinking, you want your processor to do much more work and your GPU to do slightly less of the heavylifting, wich will result in a more stable performance. You mentioned youve reached a somewhat smooth gaming experience though but incase you want to try and reach an even smoother experience Ill list a few solutions to GPU bottlenecking.

  1. That I already mentioned; lowering resolution.
  2. Make sure your GPU is connected to the right PCI-E slot on your motherboard. Its usually the slot closest to the CPU socket. This slot is most of the times running at a higher speed than the other ones. Just make sure its there, takes 10 seconds of your time and its very simple. Doesnt hurt to look.
  3. Make sure your GPU is not overheating by checking its temperature during games. You can do this with the program GPU-Z. It shouldnt be over 85-90 degress. Anything under is coolio.
  4. Last but not least, overclocking. Now I understand some people are afraid of doing this, you might be aswell? But overclocking a GPU has very little risks to it, plus your GPU is quite old anyways and might need to get upgraded within near future. I would say without a doubt this is what you should do next (after making sure your GPU temp is okay). There are many good guides on youtube of how you can overclock your GPU, its actually very easy.

XMP usually only helps if youve got a CPU bottleneck as enabling XMP boosts your RAM speed, wich in turn makes your processor run faster. But theres no real reason not to enable it anyways.

Good luck.

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