Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (2024)

Table of Contents
15 Darth Vader Filled His Role as the Chosen One Vader was Redeemed by His Son and Returned to the Light 14 Darth Vectivus Maintained A Strict Code Of Ethics Vectivus was Successful Sith With No Ambition 13 Darth Traya Was Practically Independent Traya Left the Jedi and the Sith Ways 12 Starkiller Redeemed Himself By Attacking The Death Star He Betrayed Darth Vader to Save the Rebellion 11 Darth Revan Eventually Became An Ally Of The Jedi The Jedi Wiped Revan's Mind to Make him Serve the Light 10 Darth Gravid Helped Destroy Multiple Sith Doctrines Gravid Tried to Incorperate Light Side Teachings to the Sith 9 Asajj Ventress Left the Sith After Dooku's Betrayal Ventress Chose Her Own Path Away From the Jedi and Sith 8 Darth Marr Was A Persistent Advocate For Alien Rights Marr Eventually Understood the Meaning of the Jedi Code 7 Vergere Viewed The Force As A Neutral Power She Showed More Compassion than Any Sith 6 Visas Marr Eventually Fought Against The Sith Visas Overcame Her Trauma and Temptation From the Dark Side 5 Darth Plagueis Didn’t Seek Galactic Control Like Many Other Sith Plagueis Was a Scientist that Lacked Ambition 4 Count Dooku Was Fed Up With Political Games And Corruption Dooku Disagreed with the Jedi, but Never Fully Agreed With the Sith 3 Kylo Ren Had A Spark Of Good In Him That Rey Nurtured Ben Solo was Hidden Inside of Kylo the Enitre Time 2 Darth Sajar was Convinced to Join the Jedi Sajar Died to Redeem His Mistakes and Protect the Light Side Appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011) 1 The Ronin Hunts Sith Lords For Redemption A Personal Vendetta for His Dark Past

For decades, Star Wars has painted the Force's dark side as the ultimate path to villainy. While this holds true for many, the Sith Lords who wield it are complex. Sith Lords are widely feared across the galaxy for their capacity to wreak havoc, and rightfully so. However, some have walked a surprisingly gray path compared to their brethren.

The clear-cut division between the Jedi's inherent good and the Sith's inherent evil is a topic of much debate. They have exhibited surprising decency, honor, or even morality, defying their reputation. Others may have committed evil acts but don't neatly fit the mold of pure villainy. This complexity adds a fascinating layer to the Force and challenges viewers to see beyond the traditional black and white.

Updated on May 21, 2024 by Antonio Samsom: The Sith from Star Wars have some of the most complex and interesting backstories in the entire franchise. They all follow the same path, but each has motivations for why they fell to the Dark Side. However, not every character that has become a Sith has stayed on the path of evil. Some were able to redeem themselves and serve the light. This article was updated to include more characters and meet CBR's editorial standards and formatting.

15 Darth Vader Filled His Role as the Chosen One

Vader was Redeemed by His Son and Returned to the Light


First Appearance

Darth Vader

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope


10 Star Wars Villains More Sinister than Darth Vader

The Star Wars universe is full of sad*stic villains, including a handful that are even more sinister than Darth Vader himself.

Darth Vader was undeniably a villain, arguably even while he was a Jedi. He was one of the most potent and feared servants of the Galactic Empire. Vader almost single-handedly managed to wipe out the Jedi Order and usher in an age of galactic tyranny. Similarly, during the time of the Empire, he was ruthless in pursuing the Emperor’s allies and enemies alike.

However, Star Wars is ultimately a story of Vader’s redemption. Luke Skywalker’s true victory doesn’t come because he was better with a lightsaber or a more potent Force wielder. He wins because he saw and nurtured the spark of good lingering in the Sith Lord. Because Luke fostered these remnants of decency, Vader eventually redeems himself by killing Darth Sidious. Despite every horrible crime against humanity he committed, he wasn’t evil in his last moments.

14 Darth Vectivus Maintained A Strict Code Of Ethics

Vectivus was Successful Sith With No Ambition

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (2)


First Appearance

Darth Vectivus

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force

Some Sith never held any lofty ambitions for galactic conquest or ultimate power. These rare Sith are usually far more interested in the academic interpretations of the Sith Order’s philosophy rather than the fulfillment of a particular mandate. Darth Vectivus in Star Wars: Legacy of the Force was one such Sith Lord.

Vectivus was a businessman involved in mining operations who also happened to abide by a code of ethics. Though he was ruthless in business – and held a vast wealth of Sith power – he maintained balance and decency in his life. Vectivus ended up dying peacefully with loved ones at his side. He was one of the few Sith Lords to enjoy such a privilege.

13 Darth Traya Was Practically Independent

Traya Left the Jedi and the Sith WaysStar Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (3)


First Appearance

Darth Traya

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords

Darth Traya was the main antagonist of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords. She was also one of the player’s party members for much of the game, serving under the name Kreia. Throughout KOTOR II, Kreia is a mysterious and morally ambiguous mentor as the Exile wages war against Kreia’s former Sith Triumvirate allies.

In KOTOR II, Traya rejected the philosophies of both the Jedi and the Sith. Her alignment across the game remained steadfastly neutral, no matter what. She prized Sith traits like independence and strength. Still, Traya also openly admitted loving the Exile with all her heart. Two of her primary goals were either the death of the Force to end constant war or the rebirth of a better Jedi Order.

12 Starkiller Redeemed Himself By Attacking The Death Star

He Betrayed Darth Vader to Save the Rebellion

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (4)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s Galen Marek, better known as Starkiller, had no choice in joining the Sith. Darth Vader murdered his Jedi father and kidnapped him at a young age. For much of his life, the Sith Lord raised and trained him as his secret apprentice. Vader then deployed Starkiller as an assassin used to hunt down fugitive Jedi.

For much of The Force Unleashed, Starkiller served Vader loyally. Even when he set about forming the Rebellion, it was under Vader’s orders. After Vader’s betrayal, Marek never became a proper Jedi. However, he redeemed himself by assaulting the Death Star single-handedly – saving the Rebellion’s leaders in the process.

11 Darth Revan Eventually Became An Ally Of The Jedi

The Jedi Wiped Revan's Mind to Make him Serve the Light

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (5)


First Appearance

Darth Revan

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


Keanu Reeves as Darth Revan Is Perfect for The Acolyte

Keanu Reeves as a live-action Darth Revan has been the subject of many fancasts, and it could happen on Star Wars' upcoming show The Acolyte.

Darth Revan is one of the most iconic Star Wars Legends continuity characters. In his backstory to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Revan was a former Jedi who won the Mandalorian Wars before returning to conquer the Republic. He led a mighty Sith Empire before seemingly dying of betrayal by his apprentice, Darth Malak.

Except Revan didn't die. Instead, he survived thanks to Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, who wiped his mind with the Jedi Council and reprogrammed him as a Republic soldier. In one of gaming's most famous twists, Knights of the Old Republic reveals Revan was the protagonist the whole time. While Revan's morality depended on each player, he was canonically a light-sided Jedi from then on.

10 Darth Gravid Helped Destroy Multiple Sith Doctrines

Gravid Tried to Incorperate Light Side Teachings to the Sith

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (7)


First Appearance

Darth Gravid

Star Wars Legends

The very nature of the Sith makes them naturally antagonistic towards the light side of the Force and the Jedi in general. Yet, Darth Gravid was far different from this typical stance in many respects. He was among a select few Sith Lords to show genuine affection for his Jedi opponents. Gravid was a mighty Sith Lord dedicated to his cause but believed that strict adherence to the dark side would be the Order's eventual undoing.

Consequently, Darth Gravid tried to incorporate light-side teachings into the Sith ideology. However, he suffered due to these incompatible beliefs, which adversely affected his mental health. Gravid eventually destroyed and sabotaged many Sith doctrines to ensure the Jedi Order’s survival. As a result, he did more damage to the Sith than most Jedi ever did.

9 Asajj Ventress Left the Sith After Dooku's Betrayal

Ventress Chose Her Own Path Away From the Jedi and Sith


First Appearance

Asajj Ventress

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Asajj Ventress is one of the Star Wars canon's most complex and fascinating characters in one of the best Star Wars TV shows. Born as a force-sensitive member of The Nightsister Witches of Dathomir, Ventress demonstrated a propensity for Force use at an early age. This Force sensitivity caught the eye of Jedi Knight Ky Narec, who trained her in the Force and the ways of the Jedi Order. After pirates killed Narec, Ventress was again lost until Count Dooku found her.

Dooku took Ventress under his wing and taught her about the dark side of the Force. While she never technically became a Sith Lord, she was a potent Sith assassin. As her power grew under Dooku’s tutelage, Darth Sidious became wary of her and eventually ordered Dooku to kill her. Following this betrayal, Ventress left the dark side behind and fell in love with a Jedi Master, Quinlan Vos. Ultimately, she would sacrifice her life to save Vos, which the Jedi Council later honored her for. However, she made another appearance in Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which takes place later in the timeline, which shows that she actually survived.

8 Darth Marr Was A Persistent Advocate For Alien Rights

Marr Eventually Understood the Meaning of the Jedi Code

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (8)


First Appearance

Darth Marr

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Darth Marr, primarily known from Star Wars: The Old Republic was nothing if not ambitious. From a young age, he rose to prominence within the Sith Empire, and his actions against the Republic were extraordinary. Known for his unique facemask, which he never removed, Marr generated mystery and intrigue as a significant political character within the Empire and The Old Republic’s fantastic storyline.

Darth Marr might have been an aggressor, but he was not evil in the strict sense of the word. He greatly respected the Jedi Order, particularly Grand Master Satele Shan. Marr also strongly advocated for alien rights – consistently fighting against much of the xenophobia and racism within his own Sith Order. He died acknowledging the truth of the Jedi Code – a singular act in the extensive history of Sith Lords.

7 Vergere Viewed The Force As A Neutral Power

She Showed More Compassion than Any Sith

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (9)


First Appearance


Star Wars: New Jedi Order



Why Anakin Massacred the Younglings in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith's most infamous scene, Anakin's massacre of the younglings, might have had a deeper reasoning behind it.

Vergere was first introduced in Star Wars: Legends canon during the Yuuzhan Vong War as one of this alien race's prisoners. Despite being a captive, she held a particular degree of esteem within their ranks. She eventually met Jacen Solo, a fellow prisoner of the Yuuzhan Vong. Vergere began instructing Jacen in the ways of the Force, and it soon became apparent that she was once part of the Jedi Order.

Still, Vergere’s teachings in New Jedi Order weren’t in line with those of the actual Jedi. Consequently, she pushed Jacen down a darker path away from the tenets of the light side. After her death, readers learn she was a Sith Sleeper Agent the whole time, although she showed compassion and decency far beyond most Sith. She even viewed the Force as a neutral power, neither good nor evil – a belief shared by few other Sith Lords.

6 Visas Marr Eventually Fought Against The Sith

Visas Overcame Her Trauma and Temptation From the Dark Side

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (11)


First Appearance

Visas Marr

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords

Visas Marr was one of the darkest party members in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. She started the game as a Sith assassin sent to kill the exiled Meetra Surik. However, after Surik spared her, she became a loyal crew member. Later, Visas revealed she was only a Sith because Sith Lord Darth Nihilus took her in after devastating her planet.

Eventually, Visas redeemed herself during the struggle against the Sith Triumvirate. She overcame both the temptation of the dark side and her trauma. Even in the early parts of the game, when Visas was still a Sith, she showed a fundamental decency that many of her dark side compatriots lacked.

5 Darth Plagueis Didn’t Seek Galactic Control Like Many Other Sith

Plagueis Was a Scientist that Lacked Ambition

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (12)


First Appearance

Darth Plagueis

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Darth Plagueis the Wise has yet to appear on-screen in Star Wars canon. Even his appearances in Star Wars Legends were few and far between. He was a Sith Lord who strictly adhered to the “Rule of Two” and other Sith tenets. But his unique mastery over the Force gave him unparalleled control over life and death. He could save others from death, and he did so for many loved ones.

Plagueis was a less malevolent Sith Lord who was more of a scientist than a conqueror. Darth Sidious insinuated this sentiment when he claimed Plagueis could never have envisioned himself becoming Emperor. The soon-to-be Sith leader meant to highlight Plagueis’ apparent lack of ambition and lust for power. Despite these verbal proddings, Plagueis also seemed to genuinely trust his apprentice, Palpatine, despite the numerous Sith teachings telling him not to.

4 Count Dooku Was Fed Up With Political Games And Corruption

Dooku Disagreed with the Jedi, but Never Fully Agreed With the Sith

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (13)


First Appearance

Count Dooku

Star Wars Episodes II: Attack of the Clones

Count Dooku – aka Darth Tyrannus – was once a Jedi Master who trained as a Padawan under Yoda. During his time in the Jedi Order, Dooku became progressively disillusioned by the Order’s and Galactic Senate’s corruption and antiquated traditions. These revelations were especially disturbing to Dooku, who fashioned himself a political idealist – who’d do anything for what he believed was right.

His former padawan's (Qui-Gon Jinn) death, combined with this disillusionment, pushed Dooku to the dark side of the Force, and he became Darth Tyrannus. While Dooku committed numerous atrocities as a Sith – and part of the Separatists – his idealistic beliefs never wavered. In Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Dooku tries to recruit Obi-Wan Kenobi, telling him he plans on overthrowing his master and destroying the Sith. So, Dooku remained committed to his vision of an equitable Galactic government, even if this desired end didn't justify his means.

3 Kylo Ren Had A Spark Of Good In Him That Rey Nurtured

Ben Solo was Hidden Inside of Kylo the Enitre Time


First Appearance

Kylo Ren

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Ben Solo – better known as Kylo Ren – is the son of two legends of the Star Wars universe, Han Solo and Leia Organa. Despite this gilded upbringing, the dark side of the Force reached Ben Solo at an early age. Both Snoke and Darth Sidious began influencing him while he was young – together with Luke Skywalker almost killing him while under his protection – leading to his defection to the Sith.

Still, even with this turn and some reprehensible violence as a Sith, Kylo Ren remained conflicted. It was this inner turmoil that Rey sensed when they first met. Throughout the sequel trilogy, Rey never gave up the hope – like Luke with Vader – that she could reach the good inside him and turn him to the light side of the Force. In the end, Ren redeemed himself by sacrificing his lifeto heal Rey after what would have been an otherwise lethal injury.

2 Darth Sajar was Convinced to Join the Jedi

Sajar Died to Redeem His Mistakes and Protect the Light Side

Appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011)

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (14)


First Appearance

Darth Sajar

Star Wars: The Old Republic


Why Palpatine Feared Qui-Gon Jinn More than Master Yoda in Star Wars

Qui-Gon Jinn was more attuned to the Force than any other prequel Jedi, and that's one reason why Emperor Palpatine needed him dead.

Darth Sajar in Star Wars: The Old Republic is a bit of an enigma. While he appears in the Jedi Knight storyline, details about him are scarce. He was once a Sith Lord, even a member of the prestigious Dark Council. However, Darth Sajar eventually abandoned the Sith. His exact motives for leaving are still a mystery.

Darth Sajar somehow came into contact with Jedi Master Tol Braga, who presumably convinced him to turn away from the dark side. He then becomes Braga's padawan, where he learns the ways of the Light Side. Despite this, he still struggled with the Dark Side, which led to the death of many. At the end of his life, he atoned for his mistakes and died serving the light.

1 The Ronin Hunts Sith Lords For Redemption

A Personal Vendetta for His Dark Past


First Appearance

The Ronin

Star Wars: Visions

The Ronin, from the Star Wars Visions episode "The Duel," is a complex character shrouded in mystery. His name reflects his state. "Ronin" refers to a samurai without a master in feudal Japan. This hints at a past affiliation, perhaps Jedi, that he's severed ties with. He uses a crimson lightsaber that he keeps sheathed, akin to a katana.

Although not much is known about The Ronin, it's clear that he blurs the lines between Jedi and Sith. He is seen relentlessly pursuing and eliminating Sith Lords, which suggests a personal vendetta, seeking revenge for a past wrong inflicted by the Dark Side. His motives may not be entirely clear, but he is on a path of redemption from some sort of dark past.

Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (16)
Star Wars

The original trilogy depictsthe heroic development of Luke Skywalker as a Jedi and his fight against Palpatine's Galactic Empire alongside his sister, Leia. The prequels tell the tragic backstory of their father, Anakin, who is corrupted by Palpatine and becomes Darth Vader.

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George Lucas
First Film
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Latest Film
Star Wars: Episode XI - The Rise of Skywalker
First TV Show
Star Wars: The Mandalorian
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Luke Skywalker , Han Solo , Princess Leia Organa , Din Djarin , Yoda , Grogu , Darth Vader , Emperor Palpatine , Rey Skywalker
Star Wars: 15 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.