San Angelo Evening Standard from San Angelo, Texas (2025)

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San Angelo Evening Standardi

San Angelo, Texas

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INDEX Pages 4-5-6 Pages 2I-3B Pages 6B-7B Page 8B 1 IB rage Ads 9B-10B- Society Sports Comics Editorials Classified Drive Carefully! Bat Your Ufa It'll Pay Off! OMb Wtntost iH Ftatu mntm TWENTY-EICHT PACES IN TWO SECTIONS SAN ANGELO TEXAS FRIDAY EVENING MAY 8 1953 FORTY-NINTH YEAR NO 7 Min'S Tlhns Boost In Spending Foreign Forecast Angeloan Wields Rope To Capture A Bear The bear is the first that Garela has tried to rope returning to Wyoming soon to take a shea lag crew back that way but ho mads any plans to try the sport of bear roping again THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING ATLANTA Georgia's Gov Herman Talmadge who returned Tuesday from meeting of tale governors with President Eisenhower In Washington has symptoms of the mumps If a positive diagnosis today bows bo has mumps the President and ths 45 other governors at tha parley may want to call In their doctors promptly if they tart feeling badly Two of Talm edge's associates the state adjutant general and the High Department treasurer have just recovered from mumps Tslmadge 40 Is In bed AUSTIN III Gov Shivers winced and said "MMM-MMM" when Informed today that Gov Talmadge of Georgia has symptoms of the mumps- Shivers was with Talmadge at the meeting of state governors hi Washington this week but ha wasn't worried Shivers has had the mumps BOARDING-HOUSE Joe Garcia of 217 Avenue tempts his furry friend Sally with her feed dish as he shows off his lasso catch from Wyoming Garcia roped the bear about four months ago while he was shearing sheep in Wyoming He hopes to tame her (Staff photo by Billingsley) Water IPlami Unlike Taxes Migllrt Fourth By DAVE COSLETT Xraalas StasdsrS Staff Writar Calf roping apparently is too tame for Joe Garcia He prefers to lasso bears instead And to prove his prowess In the new sport Garcia has returned to San Angelo from Wyoming with a 133-pound bear ha picked up while armed only with a lariat He roped his furry pet about four months ago while he waa In Wyoming shearing sheep The an mil now about 11 months old uwas about half Ua present size then He Intends to tame his cateh and teach her some trieks He has named tho bear Sally but Isn't quite sure which bear family she comes from She may be a cinnamon bear he said Garcia who lives at 217 Avs said the bear already Is fairly tame He already ean handle her on a leash And food Is no problem "She eats anything" Garcia said He failed to explain whether that included assorted human arms and legs which Sally seemed prone to reach for as spectators pressed too close to the cage in the pickup As for tricks he claims Sally already ean play a form of pitch and catch a rock at her and shell pick it up and throw It right back at you" ha said Sally currently la housed in a stout Iron-bar cage which Garda had especially built at a cost of 530 Ho plana to build a larger cage with some form of swimming pool Included for recreation The San Angeloan points out Incidentally that It'a no easy matter to rope a bear In Wyoming and bring her back to San Angelo The not so much in the roping though It's In all the paper work requited to move the animal across state lines Garela revealed Rubber Off Control List WASHINGTON Ul-Twelve years of government rubber controls ended today Tho National Production Authority removed the last of tha once many restrictions Invoked during the war by lifting limitations on use of pale crape rubber It is used la making wMta sidewall tires 'Repairs' Trial Slated Today Two fast-moving "stove repairmen" are to be tried this afternoon oa charges of violating a dly license ordinance after they allegedly charged elderly persons exorbitant rates for minor repairs on their household fixtures The two are Scott Clark 38 4831 Bowie and Fred Phillips 37 lb merty of Houston who has been living with Clark the last month Three elderly persons identified Clark and Phillips as the two men who winked on their stoves One elderly couple said the men charged them 52440 for working on a leak In the pilot light of their gas stove A neighbor who also repairs stoves said the job should be worth about 5250 The two men were questioned by district attorneys this morning but Justin Kever 51st District at-torney said since the men may have actually performed some service It might be a matter of conjecture only over the proper rate They were transferred to Corporation Court where they are to be tried later this afternoon on a charge of making stove repairs without a license Maximum penalty under such a charge to a 5100 fine on each separate charge The department also was attempting to contact an elderly Water Valley couple who reported two men tried to charge them 59 each for seven fuses and other fees totaling 57090 last Tuesday Hie men represented themselves as electrical Inspectors tha couple said Uniforms Barred BONN (I) Konrad government told West Germans today the federal republic will tolerate none of the old hoopla of marching In uniform to polities! meetings One good by-produet of the lack of rain Storm said Is the stimulus to plan for bigger and belter water storage to catch rain when It does come He said Amarillo and Lubbock had been checking on tapping the Canadian River for water As to morale the four bankgra agreed there la no evidence of panic Just keeping a wait and see one said hurting too much another added Tha bankers were among about 100 meeting here for a one-day program on credit Col Piner 5X7 Bell St-stated at the public hearing on water recommendations Thursday night that a 044 to 15 million bond issue would more than double property taxes making them "two to 215 times what they are Travis Baker and Louis Gayer members of the citizens' advisory group that recommends Increasing water storage said they did not know where Piner got Us figures but "they are inaccurate" TEMPORARY BOOST City Manager Del Green aatd the accurate figures Indicate that taxes would be temporarily increased by about one-fourth full explanation of the bond matter noted: present outstanding tax bond debt of San Angelo is 52157000 or 153 per cent of the assessed valuations of 561-340A50 The assessed value is based on 50 per cent of the actual values present property tax Is 51-55 on each 5100 valuation A 40 cent Increase per hundred would he heeded to service between 5415 to $5 million in bonds That would be an inereasa of about 25 per cent or one-fourth not twice as much TAX-FREE BONOS "Evidence that wa can aspect to Bell bonds in the neighborhood of I per cent is shown by the experience la Lubbock on April 21 Lubbock has the same credit rating as San Angelo a Their general obligation bonds sold at 1025 per cent Ours can be expected to command the same market Our bonds are tax-free the government's are not" figures were given in answer to the following remarks by Finer: "Everybody In the audience here tonight is In agreement that something should bo done about water But the question is can we get people to vote for the bond Issue? Property ownership varies To a lot of people city taxes make no difference They can taka them off Water Usage Still Climbs Usage of water In San Angelo atm la climbing Pumpage at the plant Thursday was 1780000 gaL lona consumption was 1020000 gallons Other figures for the week: Tuesday 7210000 gallons Monday 5-220000 Sunday 4140000 The Lake Nasworthy level this morning was 2554 feet down 06 of a foot from the 2800-foot reading of Thursday their federal income taxes But can the average small homeowner pay higher taxes? say we can sell the bonds far 3 per cent But the government gets 215 per cent on Its bonds and the Interest on G1 loans has been raised to 4V5 per cent FEARS BOND LIMIT "At a meeting at the courthouse last Tuesday It was brought out by a bond buyer that he doubted the city could maintain its high credit rating If indebtedness went over 7 per cent of assessed valuations The present indebtedness is approximately 7 per cent id 500 million The bond buyer questioned if another 4 per cent could be added raising the debt to 11 per cent and still keep our good standing "A member of the panel that day laid the city could raise the debt to 16 or 18 per cent without hurting our rating if by any chance the dam costs so much money that we had to ratio taxes to meet that 16 or 18 per cent that would be in may opinion conn catory to the small home owner "It would more than double property taxes make taxes go up two to 215 times what they art now no assurance of what the dam will coat The government thought it could build San Angelo Dam tor 515 or 818 million but It cost about 520 million" GOT TO HAVE IT The Corps id Engineers resident engineer Sykes said "costs to date" on San Angelo Dam are 814518X209 That Is less than two-thirds tee 522 million once estimated it would coat John Shepperson said San Angelo cannot afford to build a dam get busy and do something to get water known these men (the city commissioners and members of the advisory committee) all their lives and vs got confidence In them If Te get water here our property be worth 50 cents on the dollar" Mrs 8 Forrester underlined that statement she said know this City Commission and committee have labored long hours Investigations of everything you can think of have been made What they have suggested Is ths only solution known It seems to me the extra burden la compared to what will happen to our city If we have water" NASWORTHY Abner Johnson made an almost impassioned talk In support of the proposal! Ha said: is no question In our minds that we need water got to pay for it always had to pay lor it Condition! In San Angelo seemed almost ruinous In 1934 and yet we built to this fins city on top man's figure and probably 81600 000400 to 82M0 000000 higher Larger expenditures than ex- peeted for support of farm prices and lower revenues especially from corporation Income taxes have boosted estimates of bow much more the government wlU pend than tt takes in A bigger deficit means Increased borrowing by the government and a trigger national debt at the end of the fiscal year now leu than two months away If the debt at the end of this fiscal year Is substantially bigger than Truman's 5263000000000 forecut that would mean it might run Into the 275-bUlloa ceiling to the 13 months beginning July 1 unleu the new administration is able to pare fiscal 1954 expenditures forecast by Truman or Coo-gieu lifts the debt limit MAY IFEND MORE WASHINGTON IN-en Taft (R-Ohlo) said today that unless pro ent military and foreign aid plana are altered the Elsenhower administration may spend more la its first fiscal year than the Truman regime to Its last Any nuch result could leave the Republicans on July 1 with the congressional campaign start showing a deficit of around five billion dollars Instead of tho balanced budget and lower taxes many of them promised in 1052 Although Taft did not comment on this aspect the majority leader said in an Interview that on the basis of tentative military and foreign aid decisions spending will continue at a high level in the fiscal year beginning July 1 "tt may be a little more than tho current rate unless some economies are made that certain now" the Ohio senator asld MUST FARE FIGURE Secretary of the Treasury Hum phtey may bo questioned on that scocw when he testifies he tors tho Senate Foreign Relations Committee today at a closed session on Uis foreign aid program Former President Truman sail mated that to the fUeal year end tag with next month the Treasury would pay out 574000000000 Tho dust amount may he somewhat less If the Republicans continue this which many criticised to last campaign as wasteful nd the outgo would be five billion dollars more than ths 70 billions of spending TaR previously said would enable tha ad ministration to coma close to ha anclng the budget The Ohio senator remained firm In the belief that Uia new administration will eliminate almost all of Uw spending Increases proposed by Truman when be estimated 571000000000 In outgo tor the com tag fiscal year LITTLE COMFORT But announcement by Secretary of Defense Wilson that deliveries of military goods to other free nations would climb from tho present level of 03800 000000 to five billion dollars in tho next year give TaR and other economy advocates little comfort There were no firm estimates available on the overall total for foreign aid hut San Sparkman (D-All) said it ta obvious the administration's program In that field would involve more than six billion in spending only shout 14 billion leu than Traman requested for the new year The administration sent to Capitol Hill yesterday a defense budget calling for shout 52400000000 less military spending than Traman proposed That would maintain the level fairly close to this year's estimated rate of 43 billions Stocks Commodities And Market Trends Stock and Commodity market trends as reported by the Uhl mann Grata Company Hotel ictus (1 pm New York Tims): Industrial averages off 71 cents on a volume of 080000 shares Wheat to 4 cent higher corn 4 to 14 cents higher oats 4 to 4 cent higher lard 5 to 10 eents higher cottonseed oil unchanged to 5 cents higher wool unchanged to 4 cent lower cotton unchanged to 55 cents bale higher Chicago grain sorghums unchanged THE WEATHER 0 WSSTHRK nttUESO UK SNOriO a AN AIKICU) AND View ITT: SlsUly (War sni -ra Una sImimm snSta-awhl ttaMrSsy partly ctoudv Dt sum ta the sfurama Frah sums SMihanurly wladi UiU sfwnwsa Ths huh trap-rum npreut lads Saar St d-snra Tb Isw HMut WalM ssr si Ths Man spM asMiSsr mm wurr TIXAA: rtaar to psrUy (taod rsUwr warm this sfwnwM Partly (tansy ins Inrslly fmtar tafiishi and AaimSay AM ANU1LO TSStriaATtETS of it an The question though Is not a single Issue but the fact that our people need to unite There Is division among us "Tha only alternative to getting water la death for this Ha told a story further expressing Ms feelings "Then was a little boy who wondered about ths trains passing and hs wanted to look Everytime It did however the whistle scared hell out of him Well every time I passed that little stream of water out at Lake Nasworthy last year it scared hell out of me" MORE RUNOFF Among other questions and answers at the meeting: How will slltatioa In a larger dam be offset? (By James Cotton engineer) Preliminary plana call for setting See WATER Page 2 ADVISORYUNIT MAY EXPAND To obtain a more representative croas-eectlon of taxpayers tha city's water advisory subcommittee plana to Increase its membership Emmett Cox chairman of the 40-man committee wMch has suggested enlargement of the water tongs facilities told the approximate 650 persons attending the hearings In City Auditorium Thursday night: need to add to our committee and get representation from all parts of the elty" He proposed that Parent-Teacher Associations In each school division name "two three or four persona" to serve on the committee Summer And Wind Return Rising thermometers and fair skies pointed today towarfd midsummer conditions for West Texas tha weatherman said And if tha 05 degrees uncomfortable enough the weath- rman promised southwesterly winds to 10 miles per hour with blowing dust this afternoon The thermometer read 01 Thursday tha highest since October of 1952 The low expected tonight was 61 and the high Saturday a mors moderate 84 degrees The Weather Bureau In a five-day outlook today said West Texas temperatures would see a no mal minimum of 50 to 58 degrees and a normal maximum of 77 to 88 degreei Cooler readings wen expected Saturday and Sunday with a few scattered showers In the exfrems eastern parts of West Texas WASHINGTON IN Government officials said today the nation will go in the red no less than Ft billion dollars this fiscal year and possibly as much si 04 bHUons The most probable deficit figure June 30 say officials whom jobs Include watching the nation's finances Is between 7H to eight billion dollars Former President Truman estimated that the government would pend 55900000000 more than its Income in tho current 1853 fiscal year Specialists in government finance are estimating the deficit will be at least 500 millions more than Truman forecast possibly as much as 52400000000 over Tru- Allied Truce Talkers Wail Instructions PANMUNJOM IN Allied trace negotiators today awaited Instructions from Washington on how to answer the Communists' latest Korean armistice an eight-point plan aimed at breaking tha prisoner exchange deadlock The Reds unveiled their offer unexpectedly yesterday and It went right to the top fur decision The plan would set up a five-nation commission to taks custody In Korea of 48500 Red prisoners who re fuss to return to communism With negotiations here In recess until 11 am Saturday 8 pm CST Friday) President Elsenhower discussed the offer with his top state and military advisers In Washington They reportedly derided some provision are unacceptable but that Um plan merits a counter-offer even though the Communists Indicated they consider tt a package deal all or nothing One big question la the possibility of hidden glmmlrk permitting the Reds to gat back the 48300 prisoners who say they return to communism The Allies always have insisted that no one would be repatriated against his wIlL Sinatra Vents Temper Again ROME IN Frank Sinatra a rived in a tamper today and topped off a day that was bad from tho start by scuffling with a photographer The crooner and his wife Avs Gardner started building up a head of steam in London where they were late for their Milan-bound plane and couldn't get board They had to take one tor Rome and vowed never fly that airline again Things were Just too much when the plane landed In Rome An Italian photographer was there The crooner whose puglltstle instincts sometimes are aroused by the sight of cameras charged the photographer He scuffled briefly In a no decision match Police scurried up and led the photographer away releasing him few minutes later Sinatra and his wife bustled off still bristling with the indignity of it all Tha photographer said hs got two pictures anyway After tho parade a barbecue will be held for all Shriners and their guests beginning at 5:30 pm to the Community Gym Tha ceremonial will follow in the gym at which time the winning ring candidate will be rboKn Edwards 30 is a native San A geloan and a 1040 graduate of Ran Angelo High School He and Ms wife and Uielr daughter live at 813 Jefferson SL Hs served 24 years In the Navy during World War If Street decorations welcoming Shrine visitors have been up croM town since Thursday British Jet Sets Record For Altitude LONDON A British twin-Jet Canberra bomber climbed to 53661 feet bettering the world aircraft altitude record by 4223 feet the Boyal Aero Club said today Tha flight was mads Monday near Bristol wllh Gibb a slstsnt chief test pilot of the Bristol Aeroplane Company at the controls The record wss set by Britain's John Cunningham In 1041 to a Vampire jet fighter He reached 59446 lest May June July Key To West Texas Drouth Labor Party Shows Gains In England LONDON The Labor Party rolled up sweeping gains today in London and the provinces in local council elections Laborttes are expected to step up demands for new national elections as a result Tha nearly completed returns dealt a sharp blow to Prime Minister Churchill's Conservative Party Voting began Monday and was concluded yesterday Labor's gains also swept out much of ths small Communist representation on tha councils With all provincial results reported the figures showed Labor had gained 285 Kata on local councils and lost 51 tha Conierva-tives gained 52 and lost 212 the Liberals gained nine and lost 13 the Independents gained 31 and lost 125 and ths Communists had neither gains nor losses Clerical Error Court Contends LONDON IN The burgeoning bosom of Miss Laura Wilson was a clerical error and It's Judge Wilfrid Clother who says so She is entitled therefore the Judge held yesterday to 12 guineas (53528) damages from ths Watson Dress Shop where the incredible Inflation occurred Miss Wilson said she wts measured for a frock at the Watson salon last summer a month later it waa delivered and she tried it on made me look like a sausage in a akin" she declared The shop refused to taka the drew back claiming Miss Wilson hid plumped out plenty between order and delivery To prove it they measured her again and showed her how she had grown compared with their original measurement record Judge Clother compared the new and old figures and ruled for the plaintiff with this observation: "There ean have been nothing like this In history According to IheK Miss Wilson gained three Inches around the bust In four weeks" AL'l ON EDWARDS ksy hunter Irving and then bark down Irving to the Riverside Drive again STREETS BEDECKED Activities wlU begin at I pm Friday with a double-barreled dines in the Goodwin Tavern and Melody Club Shriners Expect 1200 Here For Suez Week-End Festivity Sun Is Out-Dazzled By New Atom Blast FORT WORTH IM-The bankers who keep their fingers on the prosperity pulse of West Texas areas said today that many a rear still are thirsting for rain Three bank vice presidents from Wichita Falla here for a meeting of credit men agreed that May June and July bold the key to the drouth In their area "Recent rains have been too spotted to do much good" said Ed Fixer one of tho bank executives and June is when we gen erally get our good rains If wo an to get any" said Claud Vaughn of the City Natlcoal Bank In Wichita Fall The lack of rain has sent bank loans down the men agreed not much demand for money to buy cattle" explained A Pendleton of City National Tho bankers said that grass and gracing land had been too scorched by the drouth to keep cattle on it "But tt rtachtd the point where rain help ft" said Flier Vaughn said recent light rains have helped wheat in the area but more rain la needed A fourth hanker Frank Storm of Amarillo laid the Wichita Falls situation generally applied to his region vested acre last year was reported at an averags of 2827 pounds an acre compared with 2710 In 1051 and with the ten-year average of 2676 Tho acreage of cotton harvested last year was reported at 23664-000 acres compared with 26787-000 In 1951 and the ten year average of 21020000 The acreage harvested the yield per acre and the production of cotton by states In 1952 Included: Texas 10700000 seres harvested 171 pounds per acre and production 3808000 bales Louisiana 890-000 408 and 756000 Oklahoma 1400000 105 and 264000 The production of America Egyptian type cotton by states Included: Texas 12400 bales and New Mexico 18100 The nationwide yield of AmericaEgyptian was 05000 bales compared to 62400 in 1951 Colton Crop For 1952 Surpassed Estimates An estimated 1200 Shriners from across West Texas will converge on San Angelo this week end for the spring ceremonial of the Sues Temple Leading the funmaking for local Shriners will be a San Angelo car salesman turned Indlsn chief He la Alton Edwards salesman for Mustang Chevrolet Co here who will be sponsored as ring candidate by the Sues Temple mounted patrol SATURDAY PARADE Edwards will compete with other candidates from across West Texas for the ring given at each ce emonial Hs know who his competition Is until the parade gets under way Saturday but the candidate putting on the biggest how gets the majority of ring votes Edwards will make his big play for votes In the Saturday parade dressed as an Indlsn chief He will wear a headdress which originally belonged to Chief Wading Water an dual chief of the Blackfoot 1 dlan tribe of Montana Ha will be on honeback and be escorted by his sponsoring mounted patrol Hie parade which begins at 2:30 pm Saturday will be the show piece of the two days of Shrine activities Marchers will form on Riverside Drive move up Irving to Concho east on Concho to Chad-bourne north on Chadboumo to Harris west oa Harris hack to LAS VEGAS Nev An atomic test device exploded with a flash that out-dazzled the daylight at 0:30 a (CST) today at the Nevada Proving Grounds Ths lingering flash plainly visible In this gambling elty 75 miles away Indicated that this the Red Invasion Of Laos Seems Near HANOI Indochina Ift-The end of the Communist Invasion of Laos without a major battle and virtually without casualties seemed near today It had been one of history's strangest tries at conquest Communist-led Vletmlnh troops which overran a third of the Ind Chinese kingdom In 25-diy march were pulling out of the heart of ths little mountain state heading towards the Black and Upper Red lovers In Northwestern Indochina their original Jump-off bases Well Informed sources said ths Vletmlnh has withdrawn two divl-ffami half their Initial invasion lores into Northern Laos and the tempo of the movement Is eighth detonation In the Atomic Energy Commission's spring series was one of the brightest The atomic mushroom cloud formed immediately Two and a half minutes after the detonation a beautiful cloud soared upward to about 25000 feet Indications were that ths blast took place at Frenchman Flat and that It was a tower shot or an extremely low air drop The tremor from the shot reached Las Vegas about five minutes afterward Elaborate preparations for obtaining information on blast effects on various facilities were set up but the AEC did not Indicate which were affected by shot A transplanted pine fewest railroad trestles vehicles and structures wrs on tho proving grounds Fifteen congressmen were official witnesses for today's test In which 3000 Army troops were dug In 9800 yards away Previously troops ha vs been as close as 2300 yards Six minutes after the blast ths huge white cloud with pink touches appeared to begin a separation After 10 minutes had taken on an hour-glass ships It began drifting to tha southeast I WASHINGTON Ufi-The Agriculture Department In a final report for the season put the 1952 cotton crop today at 15136400 bales of 500 pounds gross weight valued at 52817446000 This compares with last December's estlmats of 15038000 bales and with tha ten-year (1941-50) average of 11775000 Production of cottonseed was plaeed at 8178400 tons valued at 5429115000 compared with ths 1051 crop of 8488000 tons valued at 8435891000 The combined value of cotton and seed was put at 83047261000 compared with 53303627000 for 1951 Cotton sold for an average of 340 cents a pound compared with 3748 for the 1951 crop Cottonseed sold an average of 16960 a ton compared with 10080 In 1951 The yield of lint cotton per ha 4 IhsraSsy SI Surra at 4 pa Swum today 1-M Martas astsedsy lM SUM SsUMaft UI sVklhk 'a ta.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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