Our Pathologists - Australian Clinical Labs (2024)

Dr Ann Abraham

Qualification: MBBS MSc Molecular pathology and Toxicology FRCPath
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: Gastrointestinal pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Moammar Alshimirti

Qualification: MBCHB FRCPA
Lab: Clayton and Bendigo
Areas Of Interest: Uropathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Bryn Atmore

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA
Lab: Northern Beaches Hospital
Areas Of Interest: Gastrointestinal, cardiorespiratory, breast, endocrine, and genitourinary pathology, and cytopathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology,Cytopathology

Assoc. Prof. Chris Barnes

Qualification: MBBS FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Paediatric haematology, non–malignant haematological conditions including thrombosis and bleeding disorders
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Abir Bhattacharyya

Qualification: BSc MBBS FRACP FRCPA MMed
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Clinical haematology, leukaemias, lymphomas, bone marrow transplantation and flow cytometry
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Puja Bhattacharyya

Qualification: MBBS (Hons) BsC (Med) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: General haematology and management of lymphomas
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Sahibinder Bhatti

Qualification: MBBS MD (Pathology)
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Head and neck, breast, musculoskeletal, gastro-intestinal, uro-genital, female genital tract, lympho-reticular system and neuropathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Carl Bulliard

Qualification: BSc (Med) MBBS Grad Dip Med (Clin Epid) FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Pathology of the skin, head & neck and eye, registrar training
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Tony Calogero

Qualification: MBBS FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Multiple myeloma, myeloproliferative neoplasms and thrombosis/haemostasis
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Benedict Carnley

Qualification: MBBS FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Malignant haematology, general haematology
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Song Chen

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Thalassaemia/haemoglobinopathy, paediatric and adult malignancy and flow cytometry
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Srilakshmi Chennapragada

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA FRCPath
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Gastrointestinal pathology, uropathology, dermatopathology, registrar training
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Sung-Kai Chiu

Qualification: MBBS FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Midland
Areas Of Interest: Myelodysplasia, myeloproliferative neoplasms, lymphoma, myeloma and haemostasis/thrombosis
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Wayne Chou

Qualification: BSBA BMedSc MBBS(Hons) FRCPA
Lab: Adelaide Airport
Areas Of Interest: Gynaecological, skin and gastrointestinal pathology, and cytology (gynaecological and non-gynaecological)
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Eric Chu

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA FRACP
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: General infectious diseases, infection prevention and management, antimicrobial stewardship, as well as the use of molecular methods in diagnostic microbiology
Speciality: Infectious Diseases,Microbiology

Dr David Deam

Qualification: MBBS MAACB FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Endocrine function testing, protein abnormalities, laboratory automation
Speciality: Chemical Pathology

Dr Irani Dissanayake

Qualification: MBBS MD FRCPA
Lab: Adelaide Airport
Areas Of Interest: Gynecological pathology, gastrointestinal pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Natalie Dixon

Qualification: BEcon BA MBBS(Hons 1st class) FRCPA IBCD
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Dermatopathology, gastrointestinal pathology, breast pathology, and gynaecological pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Linda Dreyer

Qualification: MBChB MMED (Path) (South Africa) FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Antimicrobials, infection control and molecular diagnostic assays in contemporary clinical microbiology
Speciality: Infection Control,Microbiology

Dr Helen Fairweather

Qualification: MBBS (Hons) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: Undergraduate and postgraduate level teaching
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Ruchira Fernando

Qualification: MBBS MD FRCPA
Lab: Bendigo
Areas Of Interest: Lymphoid, gastrointestinal, respiratory
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Adam Friebe

Qualification: MBBS FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: General haematology
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Sophia George

Qualification: MBBS FRCPath (UK)
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Dermatopathology, Cytology, Gynaecological Oncology, Breast and Colorectal Pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Emma Goeman

Qualification: MBBS (Hons) BA MPHTM FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Perinatal and paediatric infections, antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship, vaccine preventable diseases, forensic microbiology.
Speciality: Microbiology

Dr Jenny Grew

Qualification: MBChB FRCPA AFRACMA
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Cytology, colorectal, gastrointenstinal, gynaecological, lung and cutaneous pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Garry Grubb

Qualification: BMedSc MBChB PhD FRCPA MBA
Lab: Traralgon
Areas Of Interest: Skin pathology, gastrointenstinal pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Andrew Hutchison

Qualification: MBChB FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Malignant haematology, with a subspecialty interest in Plasma Cell Myeloma
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Gregory Imhagwe

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA
Lab: Traralgon/Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Breast pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, gynaecological pathology and pathology informatics
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Helena Jang

Qualification: MBBS(Hons) BSc(Med) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: All facets of immunology and allergy, including complex food allergy and immunodeficiency.
Speciality: Allergy and Immunology

Dr Wessel Jenner

Qualification: BSc MBChB FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Chemical pathology, endocrinology and proteins
Speciality: Biochemistry,Chemical Pathology

Dr Richard A. Juska

Qualification: MBBS (Melb) FRCPA MIAC
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Dermatopathology, gastrointestinal pathology and gynaecological cytopathology
Speciality: General pathology

Dr Hock Kua

Qualification: MB ChB FRCPA FACG
Lab: Knox
Areas Of Interest: Gastrointestinal pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Prof. Anthony Landgren

Qualification: MBBS LLB FRCPA FACLM MRACMA Barrister & Solicitor Supreme Court of Victoria
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Head and neck pathology, hepatobiliary pathology, lung pathology, renal pathology
Speciality: General pathology

Dr Kwee Chin Liew

Qualification: FRCPA FRACP MBBS BMedSci
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: Microbial Genomic, Bacteriology, Virology, CRISPR, Metagenomic
Speciality: Microbiology

Dr Tony Mak

Qualification: MBBS MBA FRCPA FRCPath
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Toxicology
Speciality: Chemical Pathology

Dr Abha Malik

Qualification: MBBS MD FRCPA
Lab: Northern Beaches Hospital
Areas Of Interest: Thoracic, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, lymph node pathology, cytology, head & neck, digital pathology, quality management
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Eleni Mayson

Qualification: MBBS (Hons) BSc (Med) FRACP FRCPA MPhil (Med)
Lab: Northern Beaches Hospital
Areas Of Interest: Malignant haematology, obstetric haematology, patient blood management, thrombosis
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Brendan Morrison

Qualification: MBBCh BAO BDS FRCPA
Lab: Traralgon
Areas Of Interest:
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Marissa Muller

Qualification: MBChB (UL) MMed (Path) Anatomical Pathology (UP)
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Hematolymphoid, Gastrointestinal, Soft tissue, Head and neck, Lung and Pediatric pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Asma Naveed

Qualification: FRCPath FRCPA
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Upper gastrointestinal/ pancreato-biliary pathology, head and neck pathology, breast and neuropathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Candy Ng

Qualification: MBChB FRCPA PhD
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Chemical pathology, toxicology
Speciality: Chemical Pathology

Dr Jordanco Nizamovski

Qualification: Doctor of Medicine FRCPA
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: Gastrointestinal pathology, urological pathology, gynaecologic pathology and cytopathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology,Cytopathology,Histopathology

Dr Geoff O'Brien

Qualification: MBBS DCP FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Skin pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology,Dermatopathology

Dr Shyam Panicker

Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative disorders
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Asokan Pasupathy

Qualification: MBBS D. Path MD FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Breast, Skin, GIT and Uropathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Sweta Patil

Qualification: MBBS FRCPath (UK)
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Dermatopathology, gastrointestinal and respiratory pathology and cytopathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Stella Pendle

Qualification: MSc MBBCh DTM&H FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: General bacteriology, sexually transmitted infections, VRE and hepatitis
Speciality: Microbiology

Dr Joel Pinczewski

Qualification: MD (USA) PhD FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Melanocytic lesions, adnexal tumours and inflammatory lesions
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Sudha Pottumarthy-Boddu

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA D(ABMM)
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Antimicrobial susceptibility trends and molecular methods in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
Speciality: Clinical Microbiologist,Microbiology

Dr Marsus Pumar

Qualification: BiomedSc (Hons) MBBS MPhil (UQ) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: All facets of immunology and allergy, especially drug allergy and immunodeficiency
Speciality: Allergy and Immunology

Assoc. Prof. Mirette Saad

Qualification: MBBS (Hons) MD (Hons) MAACB FRCPA PhD
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Molecular genetics, precision medicine, cancer genetics, antenatal screening, NIPT, endocrine, fertility testing and research, medical teaching
Speciality: Chemical Pathology

Dr Gabriel Scripcaru

Qualification: FRCPA MD
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Dermatopathology, head, neck & soft tissue pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Sowmya Sharma

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA FIAC
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Cytopathology, skin, gastrointestinal and gynaecologic pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology,Cytopathology

Dr Sayali Shinde

Qualification: MD FRCPath (UK)
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: Gynaecological pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, lung and genitourinary pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Hema Sitaraaman

Qualification: MBBS FRCPath MSc in Genomic Medicine
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Dermatopathology, gynaecological pathology and breast pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Shobini Sivagnanam

Qualification: BSc (Med) MBBS MMed (Clin. Epi.) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Clinical infectious diseases and general microbiology
Speciality: Microbiology

Assoc. Prof. Louise Smyth

Qualification: BA MBBS GCUT DipHPE FRCPA
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Autoimmunity, transplantation, immune deficiency, allergy
Speciality: Allergy and Immunology

Dr Robert Spokes

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA
Lab: Geelong
Areas Of Interest: Breast, gastrointestinal & lymph node pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Phoebe Stanford

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA FRACP
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Endocrinology
Speciality: Chemical Pathology

Dr Diana Starac

Qualification: Bsc(Hons) MBBS FRCPA FIAC
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Cytology, pulmonary and endocrine pathology, gastrointestinal and skin pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Yi Qiu Sun

Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest:
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Maciej Tatarczuch

Qualification: MBBS BBiomedSc FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Haematological malignancies (i.e. lymphoma and myeloid cancers)
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Lay Tay

Qualification: MBBS BSc FRCPA
Areas Of Interest: Benign haematology such as anaemia, haemostasis and thrombosis.
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Susanna Thomas

Qualification: MBBS MD FRCPA
Lab: Norwest Private Hospital
Areas Of Interest: Breast, gastrointestinal and skin pathology and cytopathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Dr Jane Thompson

Qualification: MBBS BA FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Adelaide Airport
Areas Of Interest: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, iron, general haematology
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Shao Yang Tneh

Qualification: MBBS BMedSc(Hons) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Malignant and general haematology
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Mark Tschuchnigg

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA FRACP
Lab: Bella Vista
Areas Of Interest: Breast, soft tissue, haematopathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology,Cytopathology

Dr Catherine Uzzell

Qualification: MBBS FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Women's health, gynaecological pathology, dermatopathology, gastrointestinal pathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology,Cytopathology

Dr Shahla Vilcassim

Qualification: MBBchBAO FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Malignant haematology and haemoglobinopathies
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Sara De Vries

Qualification: MD MSc FRCPath
Lab: Subiaco
Areas Of Interest: Head and neck, gastrointestinal and gynaecological pathology and cytopathology
Speciality: Anatomical Pathology

Assoc. Prof. Agnes Yong

Qualification: MBBCh(Hons) PhD MRCP (UK) FRCPath (UK) FRACP FRCPA
Lab: Osborne Park
Areas Of Interest: Chronic myeloid leukaemia, myeloproliferative neoplasms, malignant haematology, stem cell transplantation, immunotherapy
Speciality: Haematology

Dr Hiu Lam Agnes Yuen

Qualification: MBBS/B med Sci (Hons) FRACP/FRCPA Haematology
Lab: Clayton
Areas Of Interest: Non-malignant haematological conditions such as thrombosis, general haematology
Speciality: Haematology

Our Pathologists - Australian Clinical Labs (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.