Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)

Table of Contents
Introduction Summary Walkthrough



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Seven of Year Seven of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, Mad-Eye Moody gave you the assignment to register visitors’ wands with Eric Munch. Once you were done with that, you were sent to the Portkey Office, where you met Arthur Weasley.

While talking to him about Portkeys, you noticed that the enchanted windows in there displayed very bad weather. Under normal circ*mstances, all the enchanted windows in the Ministry of Magic are supposed to display clear skies, so Arthur asked you to talk to Magical Maintenance and see if the problem can be fixed. On your way there, you met some of your friends. Barnaby informed you that the problem with enchanted windows happened before, and he said that his uncle might be able to tell you more.

You went with him and visited Cecil Lee, who said that a similar problem had happened before. You then went to talk to Magical Maintenance and found out that other windows were also displaying the stormy weather. Upon inspecting them, you figured out that the windows were likely cursed by someone, so you decided to investigate the matter further and solve the whole mystery.


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Meet Moody
    • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Tonks
      • It’s just a feeling: +5 Empathy
      • It fits their profile: +5 Knowledge
      • I have it on good authority: +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Talk to Munch
    • Location: Ministry of Magic
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose to agree with Munch or not
      • Agree (44 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • Disagree: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Check Reg’s Alibi
    • Waiting time: 3 hours
    • Location: All Purpose Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
  • Task 4: Go to the Auror Office
    • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Ben if you think Tonks is acting strange
      • She has been a bit odd: +5 Knowledge
      • She’s just following orders: +5 Empathy
  • Task 5: Find the Imposter
    • Waiting Time: 4 hours
    • Location: Ministry of Magic
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Ben
      • Interrogate the suspect: +5 Courage
      • Ask Tonks for tips (Tonks level 8): +10 Empathy
  • Task 6: Talk to Amos Diggory
    • Location: All Purpose Room
    • Requirements: 40 Courage, 41 Empathy, and 40 Knowledge; 450 Coins
    • Choice: Choose to be honest with Mr Diggory or not
      • Don’t clue him in: +5 Knowledge
      • Be honest: +5 Empathy
    • Questions and Answers
      • What House is Cedric in? – He’s in Hufflepuff. (Knowledge)
      • What year is Cedric in now? – He’s in his second year. (Empathy)
      • How talented is Cedric? – He’s very talented. (Empathy)
      • Cedric excels in what class? – All of them. (Courage)
      • What sport is Cedric good at? – He’s good at Quidditch. (Knowledge)
      • Is Cedric the best son ever? – According to you? Yes. (Knowledge)
  • Ministry Assignment: Assist Madam Bones
    • Unlock: None
      • Review Case Files:
        • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Evaluate the Witness:
        • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Review the Reports:
        • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Study Magical Law:
        • Location: Library
        • Requirements: 1 hour – 2 stars
      • Consult a Historian:
        • Location: History of Magic Classroom
        • Requirements: 30 minutes – 1 star
      • Quiz Answers:
        • Who leads the Wizengamot?- The Chief Warlock
        • Which creature did the thief transform into? – Frog
        • How many witches and wizards serve on the Wizengamot? – Fifty
        • What do the History of Magic and Wizengamot trials have in common? – They’re dull
      • Rewards: 5 Gems
  • Ministry Assignment: Whispered Rumours
    • Unlock: None
      • Interview Witness:
        • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Investigate Rumours:
        • Location: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Listen to Gossip:
        • Location: Corridor – West Towers
        • Requirements: 3 hours – 3 stars
      • Discuss Rumours:
        • Location: Hagrid’s Hut
        • Requirements: 30 minutes – 1 star
      • Talk with Penny
        • Location: The Great Hall
      • Quiz Answers:
        • Where did I see suspicious sweets? – Honeydukes
        • Which professor did Ismelda talk back to? – Professor Sikander
        • What am I not the Keeper of?- Secrets
      • Rewards: 2 Red Notebooks
  • Chapter Rewards: 350 Coins and 2000 Experience Points

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Before doing that, you should finish your assignments. Proceed to the Ministry Office when you are ready. Upon greeting Madam Bones, you will ask if there’s anything you can help her with.

Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

She’ll explain that, due to the absence of her assistant, she needs your help with certain matters. You will be slightly surprised because you’ve never been an assistant before. Madam Bones will say that she’s quite certain you are capable of handling the tasks she has for you. She will then explain what you need to do.

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To finish this assignment, you will need to complete several tasks. Like before, you can feel free to do them in any order you prefer.

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While doing these tasks, it is recommended to select the duration that matches their star requirements.

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As always, prioritize reward progress actions whenever they are available to save as much energy as possible.

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Each mini-task you successfully complete will grant you some attribute points.

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Once you’re done with all of the tasks, you’ll need to report to Madam Bones.

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You’ll inform her about everything you’ve done.

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Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (9)

Madam Bones will praise you for being extremely helpful, mentioning that she will have some spare time to spend with her niece. When you ask if there is anything else you can help her with, she will inform you that her assistant has returned from St. Mungo’s, indicating that your assignment is complete, and she will thank you for filling it in.

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You will receive a reward for completing the assignment.

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Return to the Ministry Office once you’re ready for the second assignment of the chapter. Mad-Eye Moody will say that all kinds of rumors are spreading around the wizarding world. You will remember the ones about Jacob after he was expelled from Hogwarts.

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You’ll add that many of the rumors aren’t true, but there are some that are definitely worth investigating. Mad-Eye will tell you to listen to gossip and gather information. You will need to complete several tasks to finish this assignment. Feel free to do them in any order you prefer.

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Like before, you should choose the task duration that matches the number of stars it requires.

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Focus on bonus progress actions if you want to save some energy.

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Other than that, try to successfully complete all the mini-tasks to earn some extra attribute points.

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Return to the Ministry Office once you complete all of the tasks.

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Mad-Eye will be curious to know if you managed to learn any interesting information. You’ll tell him about the results of your investigation.

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He will say a few words about that.

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You’ll agree with him and add that knowledge helped you deal with the Cursed Vaults. Mad-Eye will nod and say that you are incredibly gifted for the job of Auror.

Now that you’re done with the assignments, head to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to continue the story. Mad-Eye Moody will be glad to see you come back.

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You’ll explain that you talked with different people about the enchanted window mystery. Tonks will give you a questioning look. This will slightly confuse you, especially since the two of you talked about it already.

She’ll say that she didn’t know you were calling it the “enchanted window mystery.” In any case, Mad-Eye will be interested in hearing more about it. Filling him in requires earning five stars within three hours. Only one star is needed to pass.

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If you are looking to save as much energy as possible, it is recommended to earn a single star and wait for the timer to run out. It’s also worth mentioning that there are bonus progress actions linked to your character and the desk.

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You will sum things up and say that once you examined them, you figured out that the enchanted windows were cursed.

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Without a doubt, it created quite a problem for the Ministry. You’ll also say that Magical Maintenance hasn’t been able to fix it. You will tell Mad-Eye you have a feeling ‘R’ is behind the whole thing, and Tonks will be curious to know why you jumped to that conclusion.

There are three options to reply with. Each of these will lead to a similar outcome, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

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She will say it is probably too early for ‘R’ to make a move, but Mad-Eye will point out that you have to consider every possibility. He will task Tonks and you with breaking the enchanted windows curse, and you will happily agree to help. Mad-Eye will be pretty confident you have what it takes to break the curse and help the Ministry.

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Both Tonks and you will appreciate the faith he has in you. He’ll suggest you start with finding out if anyone suspicious has been seen in the Ministry lately. You will point out that Mr. Munch registers everyone entering the Ministry, so it might be a good idea to talk to him first. Mad-Eye will like your idea, and he’ll ask you to come back later to discuss your findings.

Proceed to meet with Mr. Munch when you are ready. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on them if you’re interested to see what they have to say. You will greet Mr. Munch and ask if he could spare a moment of his time.

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He’ll bluntly say he doesn’t want to talk to either of you. Thankfully, Tonks will use her wits to “persuade” him to spare a minute of his time.

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Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (29)

You’ll ask him if he saw anyone suspicious lately and he’ll reply that you are the most suspicious person he’s seen, and he’ll ask if you agree with him. There are two options to reply with. These won’t have any big impact on the story, so feel free to pick either one.

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You’ll tell him you’re trying to solve the enchanted windows mystery. Unfortunately, he will say he hasn’t seen anyone suspicious. You’ll ask him to look through his documents and see if there’s anything out of the ordinary. Thankfully, he will agree to let you check the documents. Going through the documents requires earning five stars within an hour. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action linked to your character. Prioritize your actions if you want to save a bit of energy.

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Once you’re done, you will find that Reg Cattermole checked in twice during the morning. Mr. Munch won’t seem to recall him leaving the Ministry. Tonks will point out that he could’ve gone out another entrance. While it definitely could be the case, you’ll remind her that Mad-Eye told you to consider every possibility.

She’ll nod and say you’re right about that. You will thank Mr. Munch for being cooperative. He’ll calmly say he’s only doing his job. You will then decide to visit Reg Cattermole.

However, you will have to wait three hours before you can continue. Since you are likely low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

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Head to the All-Purpose Room once the waiting time is over. When you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of the characters. Reg will wonder if you’ve managed to find out who is responsible for cursing the enchanted windows.

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You’ll admit that you’ve yet to catch the culprit. He’ll kindly ask you to call him Reg. You’ll tell him you wanted to follow up on a lead you found. You will tell him that Mr. Munch saw him come into the Ministry of Magic twice during the morning.

Reg will say that is not possible. He’ll add that he came in at eight o’clock sharp with some of his colleagues. On top of that, he was attending the meetings all day. He will say that you can feel free to ask any of his colleagues if you don’t believe him. You’ll decide to ask around and see if you can confirm his alibi. This requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to Tonks and one Ministry employee. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Once you’re done asking around, you will tell Reg that his alibi checks out.

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He’ll be happy to hear that. Tonks will admit that one simply cannot argue with facts. You will ask Reg if he has noticed anything out of the ordinary lately. He will say that his wand has been missing ever since he arrived. Finding that a bit odd, Tonks will remind you that she often loses her wand. Suddenly, you will notice something under one of the desks.

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Upon taking a closer look, you’ll find a wand lying on the ground. You’ll pick it up and ask if it belongs to Reg.

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He’ll nod and say it is indeed his wand. You will figure out it probably slipped out of his pocket and fell under the desk. After thinking for a moment, he will say he doesn’t recall sitting at that desk.

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You will wonder if it is somehow connected to two Reg’s coming into the Ministry. Tonks will say it could just be a coincidence. While that could certainly be true, it is also possible that someone took Reg’s wand. He will say that stealing someone’s wand is a very serious offense.

Tonks will agree with him and ask if you have any evidence to back that up. You will simply say that you have a theory. You’ll say that Mr. Munch saw Reg come in twice during the morning.

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Once again, Tonks will say that he could’ve gone out another entrance. You will point out that Reg has been in the Ministry ever since he arrived. He’ll nod and add that he’s been attending meetings all day. In other words, it means that someone is more than likely impersonating Reg.

Tonks will admit that your theory does make sense. You’ll go on and say that fake Reg probably stole the real Reg’s wand and used it to curse the enchanted windows. Upon hearing your theory, Reg will tell you to take his wand to Alastor Moody.

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You’ll then decide to return to Mad-Eye and report everything to him. Proceed to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement when you are ready. Once you arrive, you will notice Ben standing in the office. He’ll say that he’s been waiting for you to come back.

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He will tell you he wants to help break the curse on the enchanted windows. You will be very glad to hear that, and you’ll tell him about everything you’ve learned while investigating the curse. When he hears that, he’ll point out that Reg might have been lying to you.

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Both Tonks and you will say that multiple people confirmed his alibi. In other words, you definitely talked to the real Reg. You’ll then decide to figure out how someone could’ve disguised themselves as Reg.

Discussing disguises requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why you shouldn’t start this task with an empty energy bar.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are reward progress actions linked to your character and a nearby trunk. Focus on those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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According to Ben, someone probably used the Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves as Reg. You will say that you think the culprit is a Metamorphmagus. Tonks will point out that Metamorphmaguses are extremely rare. Still, your theory definitely makes the most sense. You will point out why the culprit most likely didn’t use the Polyjuice Potion.

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Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (48)

Ben will ask Tonks for an opinion. You’ll notice that she’s been very quiet. She will apologize to you and say that she has to meet Mr. Twycross. Moments later, she will run out of the office.

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Ben will ask if you think she’s been behaving strangely. There are two options to reply with. Both of these will lead to a similar outcome, so feel free to choose either one.

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Suddenly, you will hear a noise coming from a nearby trunk. You will notice that the trunk is locked, so you’ll quickly take out your wand and cast Alohom*ora.

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Trace the wand movement to cast the Unlocking Charm.

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The spell will work as intended, and as soon as you open the trunk, you will notice Tonks lying inside.

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Needless to say, you will be very surprised to see her. She will say that she feels like she’s been sleeping for a long time. Both Ben and you will immediately realize that the other Tonks was the imposter and you’ll quickly decide to go after her.

You will need to wait four hours before you can continue. Your energy will probably be low at this point, which is why it’s recommended to wait and let it recharge in the meantime.

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Proceed to the Ministry of Magic once the waiting time is over. When you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some characters. Tap on those if you want to see what they have to say. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to spot the imposter anywhere.

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Ben will point out that the culprit most likely changed to look like someone else. In other words, you’ve lost your best lead. You’ll ask Tonks about the last thing she remembers. She will explain that on her way to Magical Maintenance, she stopped by the Auror Office to get her quill and notepad.

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You will ask if anyone else was there. According to her, someone did come in after she arrived. And that someone was none other than the fake Reg Cattermole.

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You’ll point out that investigating Reg would be a waste of time. The Metamorphmagus is most likely impersonating someone else. Ben will wonder if there’s any way of telling if someone’s an imposter or not. There are two options to reply with.If you like Tonks, it is recommended to ask her for tips.

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Either way, the only way to know for sure would be to interrogate the person.

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Moments later, Charlie’s father will approach and happily greet all three of you.

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Upon greeting him, you will decide to ask a few questions to check if he really is Arthur Weasley. He’ll happily agree to answer all of your questions. Confirming Arthur’s identity requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to Arthur and the nearby statues. Focus on those if you are looking to save some energy.

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After talking to Mr. Weasley, you will learn that he is very enthusiastic about his job. In other words, he is definitely the real Arthur. Mr. Weasley will ask if there’s something going on. You’ll tell him that you needed to be sure he is the real Arthur. Ben will bluntly explain why you had to ask him all those questions.

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Mr. Weasley will be surprised to hear that, and he will instantly ask if his son is all right. You’ll tell him that Charlie is fine and ask if he’s seen anyone suspicious in the Portkey Office. He’ll say that he saw Amos Diggory leaving the office shortly before he arrived.

You will ask if anything seemed off about Mr. Diggory. Arthur will say that he was rather rude and didn’t seem to recall his name. Ben will say that you should definitely look into it. Mr. Weasley will tell you that Amos Diggory usually takes his break in the All-Purpose Room. You’ll thank him for his help before leaving the place.

The following task doesn’t involve spending any energy, which is why you should proceed to the All-Purpose Room as soon as possible.

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Upon arriving, you will notice that no one else is there.

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Ben will suggest waiting for Mr. Diggory to show up. In the meantime, you’ll say that the three of you should think of the questions to ask him to determine if he really is Amos Diggory. Tonks will like the idea and say that the good way to start would be to sum up what you know about Mr. Diggory. You’ll recall that he is working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Your Hufflepuff friend will say that you should probably ask him some creature-related questions. She’ll even suggest asking Liz for help. Ben will point out that you don’t have much time. Shortly after, Mr. Diggory will arrive. You will be the first one to greet him.

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He will seem very happy to see you. His lines will differ, based on whether or not you’ve met him before.

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You will introduce your friends to him and ask if you could have a moment of his time. He’ll be more than happy to help. Before he gets to finish the sentence, Ben will interrupt him and ask the first question.

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Mr. Diggory will be slightly confused by his question, but he will answer it nevertheless.

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You’ll quickly ask him the next question.

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He’ll correctly answer it, getting even more confused in the process.

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Ben will go on and ask him another question.

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Mr. Diggory will answer it without hesitating, proving that he is definitely not the imposter.

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Tonks will point out that Liz is probably the only other person who would know all those answers. Mr. Diggory will ask you to explain why you asked him all the questions. If you don’t want to tell him there is a Metamorphmagus in the Ministry, you can pick the first option. If you want to be honest, you should go with the second one.This choice will affect some of the following dialogue lines.

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Either way, you will apologize to him and say that you needed to be sure he is the real Amos Diggory. He’ll then decide to ask you some questions, to confirm your identity. Mr. Diggory will say that if you really are a Hogwarts student, you should know all about his son, Cedric.

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The task window will display all the relevant information. Hit Start when you are ready to begin.

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This task shouldn’t be difficult to complete, especially if you spent some time hanging out with Cedric. Below are some of the questions and answers to them.

  • What House is Cedric in? – He’s in Hufflepuff. (Knowledge)
  • What year is Cedric in now? – He’s in his second year. (Empathy)
  • How talented is Cedric? – He’s very talented. (Empathy)
  • Cedric excels in what class? – All of them. (Courage)
  • What sport is Cedric good at? – He’s good at Quidditch. (Knowledge)
  • Is Cedric the best son ever? – According to you? Yes. (Knowledge)

Mr. Diggory will happily say that you’d make a fine Auror someday. You’ll then tell him about what Mr. Weasley said before.

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Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (79)

Amos will say that he hasn’t been in the Portkey Office recently. You’ll ask if he talked to you during the morning. He’ll say that he certainly didn’t talk with you recently. The following lines will differ, based on whether or not you decided to be honest with Mr. Diggory.

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He’ll decide to inform the Auror Office about the imposter. You’ll tell him that you are already trying to solve the mystery and catch the one responsible for cursing the enchanted windows.

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Ben will say that you need to break the curse as soon as possible and you’ll point out that the windows are likely serving as a distraction for the Metamorphmagus.

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In order to fix the windows, you will need to figure out if Reg’s wand was used to curse them. Ben will say that Mad-Eye wasn’t in his office to check the wand.

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Perhaps a certain Charms professor might be willing to help?

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You’ll decide to return to Hogwarts and try to solve the mystery.

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This will mark the end of Chapter 7 of Year 7. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 350 Coins and 2000 Experience Points.

What will happen next? Will you be able to figure out if Reg’s wand was used to curse the enchanted windows? And will you discover any new clues? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 7 - A New Curse | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.